
Are you looking for the BCA Colleges in Pokhara that are close to your location? You’ve arrived to the proper location. BCA College Nepal has created a list of all the BCA Colleges in Pokhara, as well as the services they offer.


In Pokhara, the education delivered through Good colleges is from Pokhara University, including some from Tribhuvan University. They provide a four-year Bachelor of Computer Application degree with credit hours divided into 8 semesters. Computer systems, information systems, and computing applications will be covered in both practical and theoretical aspects of the BCA curriculum. There is a renowned college that has also pioneered by offering a BCA curriculum to Pokhara students. As a metropolitan city, there are a growing number of colleges and schools where students can pursue technical topics such as computers, engineering, and mathematics after completing their secondary education.

About BCA

The BCA(Bachelor of Computer Application) is a four-years 8 semesters based  program that covers all three aspects of managerial skill, software skill in programming, and design to prepare graduates to work in IT-based companies, organizations such as corporate, financial, government bureau, non-government organizations, and forensics. This program also allows students to pursue higher education or research opportunities.

BCA College in Pokhara

La Grande’ International College is a Pokhara-based private college that offers a Bachelor of Computer Application degree through Pokhara University. The BCA program at this College provides understanding of computer systems and applications and is located in a central location with large classrooms and sophisticated facilities.


The entrance test result of the considered University will determine admission to the BCA program at a certain College.

BCA College in Pokhara