
Are you looking for a list of BCA colleges in Lalitpur that are close to your location? Then you’ve come to the right spot. BCA College Nepal has a list of all the BCA Colleges in Lalitpur, as well as the services they offer.

Overview of Lalitpur City

Lalitpur is the third biggest city in Nepal’s southern central region. Lalitpur offers post-secondary education, as well as primary and secondary education, and transportation options include airports, highways, and mass transportation. Students from all corners of the Kathmandu Valley may easily go to any place inside Lalitpur City, since the transportation system is highly busy, allowing residents from Kathmandu, Patan, and other circuits throughout the valley to travel to Lalitpur Colleges on time.

BCA Colleges in Lalitpur

Pokhara University and Tribhuvan University both offer four-year BCA degrees, and there are a few private and public colleges that offer them. Every year, they provide a full-time program with a total of 35 seats. In Lalitpur, there are around 19 prominent colleges that provide full-fledged BCA degrees. We’ve broken down the list of BCA Colleges in Lalitpur into categories that provide high quality education to BCA students.

TU Affiliated BCA College in Lalitpur

Note: “Click on the names of the colleges to know more

TU Constituent College offering BCA in Lalitpur

Patan Multiple Campus

PU Affiliated BCA College in Lalitpur

KCC(Kantipur City College)

PoU Affiliated BCA College in Laitpur

Citizen College


The program will cost between Rs. 3 lakh and Rs. 7 lakh, depending on the facilities and activities allocated in the teaching and learning process using real-life professional experiences and cutting-edge technology.

Internship Opportunities

Because the BCA program’s purpose is to teach professional skills through industry-oriented specializations, students must participate in real-world projects during their final year at an IT enterprise. Because Lalitpur is a metropolitan city with numerous software and IT enterprises located across the city, students may easily do part-time internships or even full-time careers after college at a company near their college.

BCA Colleges in Lalitpur