
Are you looking for a list of the BCA Colleges in Butwal that are convenient to your location? Then you’ve reached to the correct place. BCA College Nepal has put together a list of all the BCA Colleges in Butwal, as well as the services they offer.


Lumbini’s capital city is Butwal. The road to enlightenment, which can be reached via knowledge through education, is fitting with the developing Colleges at Butwal, as it is the birthplace of Lord Gautama Buddha. There are public and private colleges that offer educational opportunities to local and international students in a variety of programs. The Bachelor of Computer Application program known as Computer and IT based course is offered by some of the popular Colleges of Butwal region affiliation to Tribhuvan University of Nepal.

BCA Colleges in Butwal

Note: “Click on the names of the colleges to know more

Fee Structure

Colleges in Butwal are economical for students from all walks of life, and scholarships are available based on need and academic performance.

Career after BCA

This is a professional course that combines business and administration knowledge with computer applications and information technology to deliver users who can work in government jobs, private jobs, entrepreneurship, and INGOs in IT-enabled sectors such as corporations, software development companies, telecommunications, networking, cloud computing technology, and banking and finance companies. BCA graduates can work as trainees, system engineers, system administrators, product analysts, junior technical specialists, SEO analysts, software developers, software testers, and.NET developers, among other jobs.

Salary of BCA Graduates

BCA graduates earn a good income, and they might even add value to their employers by having knowledge and competence in their field.